Tag Archives: guarantee

ChatGPT’s Official Android App Launches Next Week: Here’s How To Pre-Register

OpenAI is set to launch their official Android app for ChatGPT next week, and it is expected to receive millions of downloads. The release of the app comes at an interesting time as OpenAI has recently announced their plans to develop a watermarking system to distinguish between content generated by humans and AI.

This commitment was made during a White House briefing, where OpenAI was joined by Google, Microsoft, and Meta in their effort to create a fingerprinting technique for identifying AI-generated content such as text, images, and audio.

OpenAI has also introduced a new feature called “custom instructions” for ChatGPT. This feature allows the chatbot to remember user preferences and requirements. For example, if a user identifies themselves as a research scholar, ChatGPT will provide in-depth answers that are tailored to a research scholar’s needs. However, this feature is currently only available to ChatGPT Plus subscribers and is still in the beta phase.

It is worth noting that ChatGPT went through an upgrade with GPT-4 a few months ago, which made it a multi-model system. However, OpenAI has decided to limit its multimedia comprehension abilities due to safety concerns.

Ford Stand-Up Driving Patent Is Latest In A Year Of Interesting Ideas

Patent filings by automakers are not a guarantee that the ideas will become reality. This holds true for Ford as well, as they frequently file patents that may not materialize. However, a recent patent filing by Ford about a stand-up driving position has caught attention.

The patent, filed in 2021 and published recently, shows a depiction of a Bronco with a driver positioned at the windshield pillar. But the actual application of this system is not as extreme as it appears. The primary purpose is to control the vehicle from a standing position, using sensors on the windshield frame. In theory, controls could also be placed in other locations to provide better visibility for the driver in off-road situations. This system could be particularly useful when there is no spotter to assist the driver in navigating tricky obstacles.

The second aspect of this patent involves the use of sensors to detect whether a driver is present in the vehicle, not just sitting in the seat. This can affect the operation of convenience and safety systems in the vehicle, such as shifting to park if a driver is not detected. Safety measures are incorporated into the system, with certain functionality limited to specific modes and low speeds.

Ford Drive-In Movie Patent

This stand-up driving patent is just one of many interesting ideas Ford has filed in recent times. They have also filed patents for gullwing doors on SUVs, systems to detect oncoming trains, a drive-in movie mode that adjusts the rear suspension for a better view, and even a controversial patent that allows a third party to lock owners out of their vehicles if they fall behind on payments.

Whether any of these patents will become a reality in production vehicles remains to be seen. Only time will tell.