Tag Archives: Deputy

Detailing the Creation of “Big Dill,” a Harley-Powered BMW Isetta

In late September 2023, a man in Deputy, Indiana, completed an impressive project. Dubbed “Big Dill,” this pickle-themed, Harley-Davidson shovelhead-powered BMW Isetta show car took a whirlwind 37 days to finish.

Exhausted but excited, the builder, Mikey Brown, wasted no time and immediately prepared his four creations, collectively called the Pickle Pack, for showcasing in Phoenix, Arizona, at the September 2023 round of the Hot Wheels Legends Tour.

The Pickle Pack includes the Big Dill, the Pickle Jar, the Pickle Packer tilt trailer, and a custom bicycle called the Pickle Slicer.

Despite the Big Dill alone taking 37 days to build, Brown managed to construct the entire Pickle Pack in under ten months, starting on January 1, 2023, and documenting his progress daily on Instagram.

Mikey Brown's Big Dill Isetta and the Pickle Jar Hauler

After winning at the Hot Wheels Legends Tour stop, Brown was invited to compete in the final. His journey embodies determination and creativity, showcasing his ability to envision potential in raw materials and his refusal to let financial constraints hinder his dreams.

While Brown received some engineering assistance, he performed the majority of the physical labor single-handedly, from fabrication to paint and upholstery. Throughout the project, he acknowledged the support and advice from friends and family as integral to its success.

Brown’s vision for the Big Dill as an uncompromising show car led him to meticulously craft its paint job, a story that serves as motivation for anyone facing budget limitations.

Mikey Brown's Big Dill Isetta

His resourcefulness and willingness to acquire new skills is commendable, demonstrating that determination and forward momentum are essential for achieving one’s goals.

Despite investing around $10,000 and nearly depleting his finances, Brown’s entry surpassed those of more resourceful competitors. While he didn’t clinch victory in the final, his tenacity and talent promise future noteworthy creations.

If you appreciate underdog tales, then Mikey Brown’s journey in creating the Pickle Pack is worth following.