Father Watches His Son Build a Life-Sized Wooden Replica of a Ford F-150 Raptor

Father Watches His Son Build a Life-Sized Wooden Replica of a Ford F-150 Raptor

Father Watches His Son Build a Life-Sized Wooden Replica of a Ford F-150 Raptor

When it comes to wooden replicas of modern vehicles, there are endless possibilities. However, the 2023 Ford F-150 Raptor built by the ND Woodworking Art YouTube channel takes it to a whole new level. This wooden masterpiece is not only drivable, but it’s also spacious enough to accommodate passengers and carry cargo in its bed.

The construction of this incredible replica started with a metal chassis and frame, which formed the foundation of the vehicle. Sturdy axles with large wheels were then added, followed by the attachment of the wooden body. Slowly but surely, the rough outline of a truck took shape, eventually transforming into the iconic and rugged design of the F-150 Raptor.