Tag Archives: Heater

How To Choose The Right Mr. Heater Buddy For Cold Camping Nights

Before selecting a Mr. Heater product, you should think about the size and heat setting that will suit your camping area. If you are camping in a smaller space, the Mr. Heater Little Buddy Heater is a good choice at a price of $112. It produces 3,800 BTUs and can heat up to 95 square feet for about 5.6 hours. It operates using a 1-pound propane tank. Additionally, the Little Buddy Heater is equipped with a safety feature that shuts off the heater if it tips over. However, be cautious as the metal covering may still be hot and could potentially melt your sleeping bag if it falls onto it.

If you’re staying in a larger space or require more heating capacity, you might consider the Mr. Heater’s Hunting Buddy Portable Heater. Priced at $222, this model is nearly twice the cost of the aforementioned heater, but it provides more than double the power. It generates between 6,000 and 12,000 BTU and can heat up to 300 square feet, making it suitable for larger campsites. When it comes to propane, you have the option of using a 1-pound tank, which can provide up to 3.6 hours of heat on low, according to the company. With the optional hose, you can also use a 20-pound tank. Either way, you’ll be sure to stay warmer during your camping trip.