Tag Archives: flicks

The Top 10 Motorcycle Stunts in Movies

In the movie “Knight and Day” released in 2010, Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz showcased their comedic skills in an action-packed summer blockbuster. In one exciting scene, the unlikely pair of spies find themselves riding a Ducati Hypermotard motorcycle, being chased through the streets of Seville, Spain. The scene also features footage shot during the annual Running of the Bulls in Cadiz.

It seems that having a motorcycle in his films has become a trademark for Tom Cruise. This fun and thrilling sequence in “Knight and Day” is reminiscent of the high-speed chase in “Tomorrow Never Dies,” where the passenger sits backwards on the fuel tank and shoots at the enemy. In “Knight and Day,” the motorcycle sequence ends with a perfectly timed stunt involving jumps, wheelies, and maneuvering between two trams, all while being surrounded by stampeding bulls in a bullring.

Although “Knight and Day” did not spawn any sequels, the standalone motorcycle chase scene remains an impressive and well-executed performance. Tom Cruise has already been involved in various action-packed projects, such as the ongoing “Mission: Impossible” franchise, and creating a sequel may have diluted his star power. Nevertheless, the motorcycle chase in “Knight and Day” stands out as an ambitious and skillful stunt, especially considering the added challenge of having a passenger on the bike.