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Razer Introduces Skins for Xbox Series X, PS5, Steam Deck, and Laptops

Razer, Inc. is a company that was established in 2005 and operates in both the United States and Singapore. Over the years, they have developed a wide range of technology products, including consumer electronics and gaming hardware. The brand is particularly known for its sleek and modern design, especially in the gaming industry. Their product lineup includes webcams, headsets, charging stands for game controllers, gaming mice, and even gaming chairs. In addition to these, Razer also offers its own line of gaming laptops and innovative devices that enhance the gaming experience, such as the Kishi V2, a controller that can be attached to an iPhone to transform it into a mobile gaming console.

While some of the products offered by Razer are a bit unique, like their environmentally-conscious reusable straws, they have also recently released more conventional items. For instance, in 2021, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the company launched the Razer Zephyr, an air-purifying face mask priced at $100. This mask was compatible with N95 filters and featured two-speed fans. One might be surprised to learn that Razer took quite some time to introduce custom skins for devices like MacBooks and Steam Decks, considering it aligns with their brand. However, it is expected that Razer will release more patterns and potentially skins for other devices in the future.