Ferrari Purosangue Ready for Police Duty: New Rendering

Ferrari Purosangue Ready for Police Duty: New Rendering

Ferrari Purosangue Ready for Police Duty: New Rendering

Police officers typically find supercars and high-end models impractical for their line of duty. These vehicles lack sufficient space for gear and offer no room for suspects. However, the Ferrari Purosangue could be the ideal compromise for officers seeking both performance and practicality. Unofficial renderings provide a glimpse of what the Purosangue would look like if it were to serve with the Italian State Police, and it appears well-prepared for duty.

With 16.7 cubic feet of trunk space, the SUV offers ample room to transport an officer’s gear. The passenger-side screen could be modified for police use, providing vital information up front. In the rear, the two seats could accommodate additional officers or suspects when necessary, a capability that the Roma Spider lacks.