Why is the Aston Martin DB11 So Expensive?

Why is the Aston Martin DB11 So Expensive?

Why is the Aston Martin DB11 So Expensive?

Aston Martin produces only a few thousand cars each year, unlike more mainstream manufacturers. This is because cars like the DB11, which are designed for luxury and performance, are not practical for most consumers. This limited production leads to higher costs.

With lower production numbers, expenses increase. This is due to the concept of economies of scale, which states that as production quantities rise, prices fall. Manufacturers benefit from bulk purchasing of components, which reduces the cost per unit. As the number of units produced goes up, fixed development costs are spread among more parts, reducing individual unit costs.

For example, a part like a headlight assembly is much cheaper to produce when the costs are spread among 200,000 units for a Toyota compared to 1,000 units for an Aston Martin. This explains why the DB11 is expensive to purchase and why replacement parts, such as a headlight, are also more costly.