Toyota Corolla Crashes Into Second Floor Of House, Police Suspect Intentional Act

Toyota Corolla Crashes Into Second Floor Of House, Police Suspect Intentional Act

Toyota Corolla Crashes Into Second Floor Of House, Police Suspect Intentional Act

A car crashing into a house is not unusual, but when it ends up on the second floor, it becomes a strange incident that leaves people wondering how and why it happened. This week, residents in Lewiston, Pennsylvania, were puzzled when a car crashed onto someone’s roof. However, the police believe that this crash was intentional.

The crash involved a gray 2006 Toyota Corolla, which destroyed a corner of the house containing a bedroom and a dormer window. The car came to rest partially inside the house and on the roof of the front porch. Emergency services arrived at the scene and found the homeowner uninjured, but the driver, Evan Miller, was transported to the hospital. The rescue team helped stabilize the house by adding structural support columns and a tarp to protect it from the weather.

The Pennsylvania State Police investigated the crash and determined that it was not an accident. They charged Miller with aggravated assault, reckless endangerment, and criminal mischief. If convicted, he could face a prison sentence of five to 20 years. It is unclear if Miller knew the homeowners or if he intentionally crashed his car into the house or was attempting a different kind of stunt.

The police believe that Miller hit a culvert underneath the house’s driveway, causing the Corolla to go airborne and crash into the second floor. The rise and elevation of the culvert were apparently sufficient to clear the vehicles in the driveway and provide enough height for the car to reach the second floor.

Interestingly, this is not the first time a Toyota Corolla has crashed into a house. In a recent incident in North Point, Florida, a delivery driver crashed a Corolla into a house after running a stop sign. The car also went airborne but caused minimal damage to the house. The homeowner, who happened to be recording a sewing tutorial video at the time, captured the accident on camera.