This Android Feature Could Save Your Life In An Emergency

A quick caveat before we get into how to set this up: There is no secret code that grants paramedics and emergency room staff access to whatever medical information you store on your phone using this feature. Anyone who knows about this feature can find that information if they have access to your phone. Basically, you need to consider whatever you enter just as visible as it would be if you were wearing it on a bracelet, or had a card with the information in your wallet. You need to take it as seriously as the other Android privacy settings.

Also: If you have Android 12 or lower, then you need to grab the Personal Safety app from the Google Play Store before you can go forward. With that out of the way, here’s how you add your emergency medical information:

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Scroll down to Safety & Emergency and tap that option.
  3. Depending on what kind of Android phone you have, there will be an option named Medical Info or Open Personal Safety or words to that effect. Tap that option.
  4. Fill out whichever fields you want emergency personnel to be able to find out about from checking your phone.
  5. Tap Save.

That’s it. For someone to access that emergency medical info, it’s even simpler:

  1. Tap the power button to wake the phone.
  2. Swipe up on the lock screen.
  3. Tap Emergency > View Emergency Info.

If you’re comfortable with using this option and have a medical condition that your doctors would need to know about in an emergency, then it’s well worth exploring.