Tag Archives: dated

One Of History’s Most Puzzling Technological Enigmas: The Baghdad Battery

Originally, König believed that the tomb dated back to the time when the Parthians controlled the region (248 B.C. – A.D. 226). He was convinced that these jars served as batteries because they contained galvanic cells with two different metals that had different electro potentials. Moreover, the corrosion found inside the jars consisted of an electrolyte such as vinegar or wine, indicating the presence of both battery components.

However, as scientific methods and carbon dating technology improved, the timeline shifted, placing the jars during the reign of the Sasanian Iranian empire (A.D. 224 – 650). This would mean that the first recorded battery, created by Alessandro Volta in March 1800, existed much earlier than previously thought.

Experiments have demonstrated that when the jar is filled with a weak acid (like vinegar), the “battery” generates approximately 1 volt of electricity. In 1948, a replica made by a General Electric engineer produced almost 2 volts, roughly equivalent to 1/40th of a triple-A battery. Some speculate that if wires were connected, it could potentially generate more power, but no such wires have ever been found. While humanity’s knowledge of electricity predates most people’s awareness, referring to this invention as a “battery” may be a bit of a stretch.

[Image by Ironie via Wikimedia Commons | Cropped and scaled | CC BY-SA 2.5]