Tag Archives: backtoschool

Teen Driving Dad’s Toyota Supra Busted Going 132 MPH In Florida

During the back-to-school season, it’s important to remind young drivers to drive safely and avoid excessive speeding. This was the message conveyed by the Orange County Sheriff’s Department in Florida through their Twitter account. They shared a video of a 16-year-old driver who was pulled over in January for driving at a staggering speed of 132 miles per hour in his dad’s Toyota Supra.

In Orange County, if someone is caught speeding 30 mph over the speed limit, they receive a mandatory court appearance and a fine of $354. If the speeding violation is 50 mph over the speed limit, the fine increases to $1,100 and the driver can face arrest with their vehicle impounded for reckless driving.

The video shows Corporal Greg Rittger explaining the reason for pulling the driver over and having him call his parents. When the parents arrive, Rittger shows them the speed recorded on the radar gun and tells them about another incident involving a 16-year-old driving a new Ford Mustang. He had warned that driver and his parents about the dangers of the vehicle but, unfortunately, the teenager wrapped the Mustang around a tree and died three weeks later. Rittger then explains the fines and mandatory court appearance to the parents before letting them go.

According to Sergeant Gerald McDaniels of the Orange County Sheriff’s Department, excessive speeding among young drivers is a common occurrence. He states, “We catch them all the time. This year alone, we’ve caught multiple teenagers driving well over 100 miles an hour on different highways.”

McDaniels emphasizes the importance of parents talking to their teenage drivers and setting a good example. He encourages parents to monitor their children’s driving habits using available technology such as GPS. McDaniels believes there’s no excuse not to know how fast your kids are driving.