Tag Archives: archived

How to Find Your Archived Gmail Messages: A Step-By-Step Guide

The simplest way to locate an archived Gmail message is by using the app’s search bar. By entering keywords or searching for messages from or to a specific account, the search results will include both archived emails and those still in your inbox.

However, if you prefer to manually browse through your archived messages, here are a few steps to follow:

  1. Open the Gmail app or access your Gmail account using a web browser.
  2. In your Gmail inbox, click or tap on the hamburger menu icon located in the top left corner. If you’re using a web browser, it will be on the left-hand side.
  3. If you don’t see the option for “All Mail,” click on “More.” The “All Mail” option will appear along with other categories such as Trash.
  4. Click or tap on “All Mail” to access the All Mail inbox.

The label “All Mail” is automatically assigned to every email you send or receive. Therefore, even if you immediately archive an email, it will always be accessible in the All Mail inbox until it is permanently deleted. Once you find an archived message, you can open, read, reply, or perform any other actions you would with an email in your primary inbox. If you need to free up space in your Gmail storage, you can also consider deleting some archived emails. Be aware that moving an email to Trash will result in its permanent deletion, unlike archiving which allows for easy retrieval.