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Apple Supports California Bill to Support Right to Repair

Apple has surprised many by backing a California bill that supports the right to repair. This is a significant shift in Apple’s previous stance on the issue. In 2019, an Apple lobbyist opposed similar plans in California, citing safety concerns. The lobbyist even demonstrated the potential dangers by pointing out the risk of accidentally puncturing the flammable Lithium-ion battery of an iPhone. As a result, the bill was withdrawn. Apple had also previously employed a lobbyist to block right to repair legislation in New York.

The lobbying efforts, led by a group called CompTIA, which represented Apple, Samsung, and Microsoft among others, argued that providing product documentation and proprietary diagnostic software would pose security risks. These companies advocated for customers to exclusively use authorized repair outlets, which tend to be expensive. Furthermore, Apple and other manufacturers compelled independent repair shops to join their “Apple Authorized Service Provider Program,” which also imposed financial burdens.

In the past, Apple faced criticism for making device repairs needlessly complex. The company’s practice of part matching, such as tying Face ID to the screen, faced backlash from right-to-repair activists. A 2017 report by Repair.Org accused Apple and similar companies of obstructing efforts to establish repair-friendly product design guidelines and incentives.