5 Products Apple Should Have Never Discontinued

5 Products Apple Should Have Never Discontinued

5 Products Apple Should Have Never Discontinued

The iPod, Apple’s iconic portable music player, holds a significant place in the company’s history. Unfortunately, Apple announced in 2022 that it was discontinued. The iPod lineup underwent various transformations, starting from the pocket-sized iPod Classic with a click wheel, and concluding with the iPod Touch.

The rise of smartphones — particularly the iPhone, with its enhanced functionalities and integrated music capabilities — contributed to the decline in demand for standalone portable music players like the iPod. Despite its discontinuation, there are compelling reasons why the iPod should have stuck around.

It provided a dedicated music experience that catered specifically to music enthusiasts. Its iconic design, featuring the click wheel and sleek aesthetics, made it a highly desirable and user-friendly device. The iPod allowed users to carry thousands of songs in a compact device, providing unparalleled freedom and convenience. It really did revolutionize music portability and consumption, setting the stage for the digital music era — but many would want it back just for the looks and design.

Besides allowing users to carry extensive music libraries with them, the iPod’s significant storage capacity appealed to individuals who preferred to own their music, as well as provided offline access to their favorite tracks during a time when smartphones weren’t as prevalent. Integrating music functionalities into data-powered smartphones, and the rise of music streaming services, may have rendered large storage capacities less relevant for some users. However, the iPod remained valuable for some audiophiles, especially for others in areas with limited internet access.