5 Of The Strangest Tools In The Snap-On Tools Catalog

5 Of The Strangest Tools In The Snap-On Tools Catalog

5 Of The Strangest Tools In The Snap-On Tools Catalog

One of the unusual tools available in the Snap-On Tools catalog is the Magnetic Finger. This tool, which can be found on the Snap-On website, turns your finger into a magnet. Despite its silly appearance, it can be incredibly useful when working in tight spaces like an engine bay. If you accidentally drop a screw or bolt and can reach it but can’t grab it, the Magnetic Finger comes to the rescue. It has a magnetic force of up to 1.7 pounds, allowing you to retrieve the lost object.

You can purchase the Magnetic Finger in a pack of six from Snap-On’s website. However, be prepared to pay a relatively high price of $78.75 per pack. Despite the cost, this tool is likely to prove handy for professional mechanics who frequently encounter situations where tiny metal pieces go missing. Additionally, it’s intriguing to imagine yourself as a budget-friendly version of Magneto from the X-Men series. Regardless, it’s an unconventional but clever tool that solves the problem of retrieving dropped metal objects.