5 Earthly Objects That Can Actually Be Seen From Space

5 Earthly Objects That Can Actually Be Seen From Space

5 Earthly Objects That Can Actually Be Seen From Space

Did you know that there are certain earthly objects that can be seen from space? One such example is the sea of greenhouses in the Almería province of southern Spain. This massive greenhouse complex covers over 25,000 hectares of land and plays a crucial role in producing millions of tons of fruits and vegetables. Interestingly, if you live in Spain or other parts of Europe, there’s a good chance that the produce you consume is grown in Almería.

The sea of plastic greenhouses in Almería is so vast that it is visible from space. During the daytime, the sunlight reflected by the greenhouse structures creates a distinct visual impression. Unlike the Great Wall of China, which tends to blend into its surroundings when seen from space, the greenhouses stand out due to their unique location. These agricultural wonders are surrounded by water on one side and mountains on the other, making them easily distinguishable from high above the Earth’s atmosphere.

However, the expansion of the greenhouse industry in Almería has also had some unintended consequences. Over the past few decades, the region’s climate has been affected, with average temperatures cooling down compared to the rest of the area. This demonstrates the delicate balance between human activity and the environment.