Career Readiness Programs Help Prepare Toyota’s Future Manufacturing Workforce

Career Readiness Programs Help Prepare Toyota’s Future Manufacturing Workforce

In order to foster innovation, Toyota has developed and partnered with various workforce programs to ensure that future employees are well-prepared for success, particularly in the manufacturing sector.

Getting a Jump Start
To engage and prepare the next generation for careers in advanced manufacturing and other fields, it is important to start early.

Toyota continues to partner with the Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education (FAME), an organization of employers who collectively support and participate in advanced manufacturing career pathways. This includes the Advanced Manufacturing Technician (AMT) program, a five-semester manufacturing degree that combines classroom instruction with hands-on experience at Toyota facilities across the U.S.

Toyota has also introduced the 4T Academy, a national high school program that provides juniors and seniors with an innovative education experience combining hands-on learning with on-the-job training at Toyota.

Jon Adams, principal at Gibson Southern High School, praised the 4T program: “The real-world experience our students have been fortunate to receive is world-class and will better prepare them for a successful future. We are excited about our partnership with Toyota Indiana and look forward to continuing the 4T program for many years.”

Students like Katrina Shipley and Trey Lancaster have found the program beneficial, with Shipley expressing her excitement about becoming an engineer and Lancaster enjoying the opportunity to learn about electricity and Toyota’s operations.

Accelerating Careers
After high school, it is a great time to generate interest in manufacturing among young adults. The AMT program offers a blend of classroom instruction and hands-on experience at Toyota, and students graduate with a two-year degree in advanced manufacturing automation technology. This program combines a cutting-edge curriculum with paid work experience at a leading global manufacturing company.

Que Chandler, a second-year AMT student, expressed his satisfaction with the program: “It has been a wonderful place to work and has allowed me the opportunity to learn more about the industrial maintenance field, troubleshooting, communication, and expressing my ideas. The AMT program is a fantastic job opportunity giving future maintenance technicians hands-on, real-world experience.”

Driving Local Partnerships
Toyota initiated the AMT program in 2005, and since then, many other businesses and organizations have partnered with schools to adapt the curriculum.

While the AMT program is a national initiative, Toyota also collaborates with local educational organizations near its manufacturing facilities.

Toyota Mississippi
Toyota Mississippi recently collaborated with Junior Achievement of Memphis and the Mid South to host a career speaker series on-site. Over 400 local 9th-grade students attended the 3-day event, where they listened to various Toyota employees speak about different careers available at the auto-manufacturing facility. The students also had the opportunity to tour the facility and witness the production of the Toyota Corolla.

Leigh Mansberg, president of Junior Achievement of Memphis and the Mid-South, emphasized the importance of community partnerships in children’s education: “Children can’t become what they can’t see, and our partnership with Toyota makes bright futures possible for every child.”

Toyota West Virginia
To ensure that the future workforce is skilled and passionate about innovation, Toyota West Virginia organized its first Women Exploring Toyota career event. This event aimed to introduce women from Putnam County and the surrounding region to the employment opportunities available at the plant. Attendees had the chance to participate in hands-on demonstrations, meet leaders from various plant departments, and learn about the wide range of jobs in advanced manufacturing. They also took guided tours of the plant and engaged in skills challenges.

David Rosier, president of Toyota West Virginia, highlighted the importance of diversity and inclusivity: “Advanced manufacturing is bright, fast-paced and a place where motivated people can truly build a career. This event allowed us to showcase the amazing opportunities at our plant, and it was an honor to welcome so many for the evening.”